*Everyone, everywhere, and everything that shines a little brighter than the rest*
I like the blog, Ms.R! I already feel a little more clued in to what's fashion, seeing as I need to revamp the mom-jeans apparel STAT. Annabelle
Mice Ms.R! I already feel more clued into the way fashion should be working for me... the mom-jeans apparel is slowly creeping into the wardrobe, so I need someone to keep me on my toes. Merci Bowcoop. Annabelle
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I like the blog, Ms.R! I already feel a little more clued in to what's fashion, seeing as I need to revamp the mom-jeans apparel STAT.
Mice Ms.R! I already feel more clued into the way fashion should be working for me... the mom-jeans apparel is slowly creeping into the wardrobe, so I need someone to keep me on my toes.
Merci Bowcoop.
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