Thursday, October 01, 2009


Madonna is definitely a lasting style icon. I can't think of anyone else who has lasted nearly 3 decades, reinventing themselves each time....successfully (you gotta admit, even if you didn't actually like a certain look, she did manage to pull it off!).

Above is Madonna in some Balmain. Below is also a clip to her latest video featuring that Balmain dress.

Refinery29 has thrown together a Madonna-by-the-decade style reinvention cheat sheet. Check it out here.

My favorite was her conical-bra-blonde-ambition phase where she exclusively wore MAC'S Russian Red lipstick, had dark, dark eyebrows and platinum hair.

Above is Madonna in some Balmain. Below is also a clip to her last video featuring that Balmain dress.

Gimme some bold shoulders!

photos: and refinery39

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